
PI: Aiyuan Yang Total Approved: 325.1 hours
No. Co-I Telescope/ID Observing mode and Freq. Time Status
1 James Urquhart VLA/22B-181 Cont./C-config@Qband 4 hours Submitted
1 Karl Menten, James Urquhart et al. VLA/22B-182 Cont./C-config@Kband 13.4 hours Submitted
1 James Urquhart VLA/22A-297 RRL+Cont./A-config@Xband 12 hours Approved
2 - Effelsberg/19-21 Water maser; PS@22GHz 40 hours Observed
3 - Effelsberg/101-21 Water maser PS@22GHz 62 hours Approved 50%
4 The GLOSTAR team VLA/21B-131 Cont./B-config@22GHz 2 hours Observed
5 F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten et al. Effelsberg/77-19 RRL PS@Ku-band 88 hours Observed
6 F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten et al. IRAM/043-19 RRL WSW@85-110.6GHz 33 hours Observed
7 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/19B-040 OH/D-config@Lband 13 hours Observed
8 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/19B-040 OH/D-config@Lband 4.5 hours Observed
9 F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten et al. APEX/9516A-2019 RRL FS@PI230 ~100 hours Observed
10 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/18B-064 OH/C-config@Lband 4.5 hours Approved
11 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/18B-063 OH/C-config@Lband 13 hours Approved
12 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/18B-065 Cont./C-config@X+Kuband 9 hours Observed
13 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/18B-066 RRL+Cont./A-config@Kband 13.5 hours Observed
14 Mark Thompson, WenWu Tian, James Urquhart VLA/17A-070 Cont./C-config@Xband 3 hours Observed
Co-I: Aiyuan Yang Total Approved: 772.3 hours
No. PI Telescope/ID Observing mode and Freq. Time Status
15 Wenjin Yang Effelsberg/17-21 Methanol 37.6 Observed
16 K. M. Menten Effelsberg/102-20 Conti+Lines@Cband 600 h Observed
17 M. Rugel Effelsberg/13-20 Cont.+Lines@Cband 30 h Observed
18 R. Dokara VLA/22A-172 Cont./D-config@Cband 8.7 h Approved
19 A. Brunthaler VLBA/22A-390 Cont.@Lband 72 h Approved
20 James Urquhart ATCA/C3446 Cont.+RRL@Kband 24 h Approved